Oct 07, 2011 · Google users have two options to modify the chat history settings. The first option is to completely disable Google Chat history. This basically means that chats will not be recorded, so that they cannot be searched or accessed after the session closes. Update: The option to turn off the chat history is no longer available. This means that the

Jun 04, 2019 · You can disable and manage Web & App Activity, Location History, or YouTube History. Check off/on the boxes you prefer. Click on/off the toggles to the right to control what Google stores. Jan 16, 2019 · Next, search for the Browser History Set it as Always save browser history. Once set, users will not be able to delete the history or clear the cache. Tech-savvy users may try other methods. 2. Using Blacklist. Still logged in the App Admin Console… the first three steps are the same. Go to Device Management. Here, select Chrome Management. I'm using Google Drive and I have a very limited amount of data, near 500 Mega Bytes. However, I don't really need Google to take history of those files, as I'm the only person working on them, and I've never gone back to the earlier versions, never. So, I went into Drive's settings, but seems that there is no option to disable document history. Pause and resume history with a click. This extension is just a simple on/off switch. Click to pause history logging.

Aug 22, 2019 · if you dont want your google search bar history to be saved you can just disable google search bar history by pausing web and activity,so the recent search keywords wont show up when you are baout

Jul 10, 2017 · Google knows quite a lot about you based on your search history. That’s kind of the point of search, to learn about people and serve them relevant advertising. But fortunately, the company’s user-facing tools allow you to remove that knowledge at your leisure. Feb 11, 2020 · Under Google Account > Data & personalization, you can play with your activity controls and disable what data Google can track and collect from you. These activities include web and app activity According to an AP investigation published Monday, even if you disable Location History, the search giant still tracks you every time you open Google Maps, get certain automatic weather updates

You can automatically delete some of the activity in your Google Account. On your computer, go to your Google Account. On the top left navigation panel, click Data & personalization. Under "Activity controls," click Web & App Activity or YouTube History Manage Activity. Learn how to automatically delete your Location History.

How to Enable or Disable Saving History in Microsoft Edge in Windows 10 Microsoft Edge is a new web browser that is available across the Windows 10 device family. It is designed for Windows 10 to be faster, safer, and compatible with the modern Web. Google states that your location history map is private and visible only to you, but it's nice to know that I can delete portions of my location history or all of it, as well as disable the Jun 11, 2020 · You can disable it if you want. To disable it, tap on the option and then toggle it off to turn off trending. If you want to disable the trending stories cards in the Google feed altogether, find the option named as Show feed. This option is responsible for trending stories and cards. Disable it by remove trending from Google Feed.