This can be useful in case you want to open more than one link in the same window (instead of opening a new window for each link). In other words, when a user clicks on the first link, it will open a new window. Then, each time the user clicks on a different link, the new link will load into that same window. Probably easier to show you an example.

HTML Commands - Transaction HTML Commands. We offer this table as a quick reference to supplement the HTML tutorial. It shows the commands, a brief statement of their use, which attributes can modify them, and which commands they can inhabit or include, but it doesn't go over the basics of HTML syntax. If you're new to HTML, visit Spin Doctor's Web Design 101 first. Open Program from HTML Link - Webmaster Forums Jul 19, 2010

The web works because you can link pages on your website to pages on other people’s websites by using a simple anchor element. When you link to someone else’s site, though, you send users away from your own site. To keep users on your site, HTML can open the linked page in a new window […]

12: How to Create Links in HTML | Basics of CSS | Learn Oct 30, 2017 Map Links Sep 19, 2017

Links : Link to Email - HTML Tutorial

May 13, 2020 HTML Links: How to create Links to other Web Pages Here's how to link to the same page: Add an ID to the Link Target. Add an ID to the part of the page that you want the user to end up. To do this, use the id attribute. The value should be some short descriptive text. The id attribute is a commonly used attribute in HTML. Risk Management, Operations & Finance Software | Openlink Openlink is a leading developer of software solutions and support services for trading, risk management, financial and operations professionals.