We may not be in a total surveillance state yet, but thanks to the FBI's insane new facial recognition system, a 1984-esque reality doesn't seem quite so far away. Fortunately, scientists

Home Security - Lifehacker Home Security - Tips, Tricks and Hacks for Doing Everything Better | Lifehacker Basic Home Security Systems are Not as Safe - Lifehacker Many of us feel completely safe in a home protected by an automated security system, but security researchers Logan Lamb and Silvio Cesare found some easily replicated ways to get past some of the

Smart security cameras seem to be everywhere, and we don’t just mean watching your every move. With the prevalence of cheap components and cloud storage, installing a home or business

Whether you can or can’t gain access to the footage (or feed) from security cameras placed around your home, you should at least know where these devices are located. The best home security systems in 2020: From cameras to alarms

5 Ways to Hide From Common Surveillance Tech

Lifehacker UK is the UK version of Lifehacker. How to Adjust the Audio Sensitivity of Your Google Home Device. An upcoming Google Home update adds a new “Hey/OK Google” sensitivity slider to the app’s settings. May 15, 2014 · Resetting an FC code begins at the control panel keypad. But even before that, you need to know what kind of alarm control system you're working with. Let's start with the FC code designation itself. Think about home security. Finally, think about getting a camera for your front door or wherever packages get left. It doesn’t have to be an expensive, creepy smart doorbell; there are security cameras that cost under $50 that can help you capture evidence of a suspected porch pirate. And that evidence could help law enforcement catch thieves